By kimm1993 - 03/08/2013 04:29 - United States - Chicago

Today, I showed the kids I was babysitting a picture of my daughter, and the little girl asked, "You have a baby in your belly?" I said, "No, she's not in my belly anymore," and the little girl replied, "But it's BIG," and patted my stomach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 690
You deserved it 8 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to follow through with that forgotten new year's resolution

Gotta love kids. They always speak their mind.


Tell them "I bet you'll fit in there".

YDI for forgetting your New Year's Resolution to be hitting that treadmill. To the kid I offer a high five.

58 lbs (and counting) ago, my little niece told me point blank "Uncle, you're really fat." "Not for long..." I muttered under my breath. Kids can be so brutally HONEST.

Madam please put down the fork and very kindly step away from the food. And if that doesn't work then liposuction.

Hey, in your defense, it's harder to lose weight after giving birth. Keep at it and one day you'll get there!