Worst workplace ever

By maya - 29/03/2021 20:01

Today, while I was wearing a blue coat, a coworker asked me what color my coat was. Confused, I said, “...blue?” He and my other coworkers burst out screaming with laughter. Turns out he didn’t say ‘coat’ but ‘poop’. I work with a bunch of five year-olds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 840
You deserved it 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

black_dragonfly13 6

How did you mistake coat for poop?

reminds me of an old British joke Q: what's brown and sounds like a bell? A: DUNG!


black_dragonfly13 6

How did you mistake coat for poop?

reminds me of an old British joke Q: what's brown and sounds like a bell? A: DUNG!

peithecelt 28

is fml doing auto translation now and this one only makes sense in a language other than English? Because in English, I don't get how these could get confused.