By Vgameboi - 15/02/2010 03:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was showing off pictures of me to co-workers. It wasn't until later that he said, "Don't worry, they were old pictures, from when you were hot." They were from four years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 420
You deserved it 4 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zephyric 0

Your boyfriend probably wasn't thinking before he said that... Make sure to give him his brain juice every morning.

lonewolfxxx 0

Everyone eventually becomes all old and ugly no matter how good looking they were before. Don't sweat it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even so, a person's personality is all that matters. Unless ,of course, they were some sort of cannibal or psychopath. Or Edward Cullen.


2.Choices break up with him or Offer him a BJ and bite his wiener

No he's right, if she loses interest in her appearance that's her problem, or maybe he was just kidding and she's those stuck up bitches who take everything seriously.

true dat #13 **** stuck up bitches who take everything seriously and bite my dick in the middle of a bj **** em hard

epound28 0

sounds like OP has some work to do.

Just because you have a SO, it doesn't mean it's okay to let yourself go, lardass.

xoconnie 8
TrekkieGirl 0

At least he was being honest with you. I never understand why people let themselves go just because they have someone. You should want to keep yourself up....even if you only do it to make yourself feel good.

yes plenty of experience, I know it's a man

Well if he's still your boyfriend as you say, and he said you stopped being hot 4 years, either he was joking or he has lost the will to find human companionship

pryo 0

it says op's is a man so obviously its two gay guys and not a woman involved

the same thing happens to hot, skinny, ripped, toned girls at the gym who start dating or get married. their true " i was on biggest loser show" figures start to show up. pisses me off. i go to the gym for eye candy.

EllyH 0

It doesn't sound like the bf meant it to be. I know I was hotter 4 years ago than I am now; I used to be a 10, now I'm a 9 (jk trolls). He obviously loves you anyway. Use it as motivation for self-improvement. Don't throw away a relationship over one tactless remark.

Zephyric 0

Your boyfriend probably wasn't thinking before he said that... Make sure to give him his brain juice every morning.

Averizzle 0

What flavor brain juice? Cuz my flavor is nasty..

I give mine Cherry flavored brain juice!!! :D

lonewolfxxx 0

Everyone eventually becomes all old and ugly no matter how good looking they were before. Don't sweat it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even so, a person's personality is all that matters. Unless ,of course, they were some sort of cannibal or psychopath. Or Edward Cullen.

Icarus_II 0

Your boyfriend OP? That's effed in the ay man. Gay men do dissolve over time, looks like your time has come. *thumbs up*

So do straight men. Dumass. A known statistic is that gay men often have older partners- they usually don't dissolve over time, and, if they do, chances are it's because they were pressured by homophobic douchebags like you.

Gay men can't all have older partners, because some of them have to be the younger ones. What you should have said is that a known statistic is, that gay men often have relationships with significant age difference.

The FML is that your boyfriend implied that you're no longer hot. I think that matters more than knowing how long it's been since you WERE hot... but that's just me.