That'll do it

By Zippyzoo - 03/02/2009 22:16 - United States

Today, when my boyfriend was about to orgasm, I suddenly sneezed all over his face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 342
You deserved it 9 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LetsJamSam 0

did he say "god bless you"?

LOL. I bet it was actually pretty fun for him though, muscles clenching and all that.


Imdead 0

#5, you're full of shit. As for the poster, that's pretty embarrassing, but so is a queef and we don't really care. So what if you sneezed. If a chick sneezed on me, I'd just wash my face. Not like you did it on purpose.

we will see who is full of shit, itll be you. being sneezed on is a bit of an embarrising moodkill dontcha think?

Its more like payback if you have ever finnished in someones face. its called Kharma

yeah, it's probably just super embarrassing, plus we don't know if it was his first (while with her) so she could feel pretty bad about it, especially if she worked really hard for a long time to get there..

Eir_fml 1

I might have stopped and laughed if that happened. @7: I dunno, it's adorable when a small animal sneezes, but when a human does it's kinda usually loud and messy. @9: haha, ew.

LOL. I bet it was actually pretty fun for him though, muscles clenching and all that.

LetsJamSam 0

did he say "god bless you"?

Brucey 0


apparently there's a theory about this. people that sneeze when having sexual thoughts. so it's not abnormal