By littelace - 19/02/2009 06:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were in Victoria's Secret. I saw a picture of a model and said, "I wish I looked like that." He replied with, "Me too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 965
You deserved it 24 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

soo.... your boyfirend wishes he was a victoria's secret model? wow. fyl indeed.

Hah, I read it wrong... I think... I thought he meant he wanted to look like a Victoria Secret model... In that case I can imagine the FML...


Hunthas 17

the same thing happened to me, except with raccoons :(

I agree with 78, what the hell 74? Oh ad sounds like an epic boyfriend to me. (no sarcasm implied)

Fireashes250 16

#74 I have seen about 4 FMLs that show you saying that... I'm just as confused as anyone here...

soo.... your boyfirend wishes he was a victoria's secret model? wow. fyl indeed.

ur not the smartest he wants her to look like that

bonnieandclyde44 0

he said that on purpose, you douche.

wow ur stupid she ment forbid to b funny god damn douche

hawaiianfire 0

Shut up douches, :) now I feel part of it.

Nononoo he wishes she looked like that. it's the unspoken truth of all relationships.

There is so much stupidity emanating from most of these comments. It pains me.

Hah, I read it wrong... I think... I thought he meant he wanted to look like a Victoria Secret model... In that case I can imagine the FML...

next time you open your mouth and fish for a compliment....don't.

Therese_fml 0

what were you expecting him to say? It's better than him lying and saying you are better looking. It's not a big deal! Although he could have just shut up and not say anything instead of agreeing...

What, did you think he'd lie and say you're as hot as GISELE ******* BUNDCHEN? You done got ZINGED!!!

well, come one. what did you expect? victoria's secret angel versus a non-angel. i think it's pretty straightforward.