By Anonymous - 15/05/2019 20:00

Today, I saw what I thought was a cobweb right behind my head where I sleep. I went to wipe it off and part of the sheetrock dented in. On further inspection, they were holes in the wall. Termites started coming out of them like something out of a horror movie. My husband is out of town for the next few weeks, and I'm extremely bug-phobic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 086
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colderthanyou 15

You honestly may as well move to a friends for a bit and call an exterminator.

Wadlaen 23

Well, then you probably got to get a guy come take a look at it and fix it for you👍


colderthanyou 15

You honestly may as well move to a friends for a bit and call an exterminator.

bloopaloop 27

I hope they haven’t infected you in your sleep! The same will happen to your torso if they have. You should get that checked out.

Check into a hotel or the bugs with make you into their hotel.

Wadlaen 23

Well, then you probably got to get a guy come take a look at it and fix it for you👍

burn the house down hopefully you already have fire insurance otherwise itll look shady if you get it just before the house burns down, but seriously burn the house!

Geez. Are you completely helpless? I should think that you could call the bug people just as easily as your husband can. ydi