By oldandmarriedapparently - 02/03/2010 05:15 - United States

Today, I saw my boyfriend for the first time in a while. When he came over we realized that we had not only gotten the same haircut, but we were also wearing the same sweater. We are a matching old couple at 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 517
You deserved it 25 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

immafiremylaser 0

Why is this an FML? It's kinda funny, but not terrible.

That's adorable. My boyfriend and I actually bought the same shirts from Threadless on accident. It doesn't mean much though. It just means you have the same/similar tastes. However, sweaters are a tad bit different than matching shirts, and haircuts can be subjective.


whatshernuts 0

I think that's kinda cute. My boyfriend and I both got mohawks and both of us ended up wearing striped sweaters the first day we went to school with our new haircuts.. same thing happened when we buzzed them off only with band tee's.

you've found your soul mate ......... xD

I bet you guys both have matching STD filled dicks too fag

civic_stud_94 0

if you have the same haircut as your boyfriend, you're either a fag or a dyke.

salmonbean 0 either you look like a lesbian or your boyfriend looks like a girl :O

superguppy19 3

cute I did the matching clothes with my ex

ilovenoah 0

must be a Justin Bieber haircut because i've seen a few girls with it! :)

digitaljunky 5

Mushroom cuts and Christmas sweaters... Cute ;)