By oldandmarriedapparently - 02/03/2010 05:15 - United States

Today, I saw my boyfriend for the first time in a while. When he came over we realized that we had not only gotten the same haircut, but we were also wearing the same sweater. We are a matching old couple at 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 517
You deserved it 25 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

immafiremylaser 0

Why is this an FML? It's kinda funny, but not terrible.

That's adorable. My boyfriend and I actually bought the same shirts from Threadless on accident. It doesn't mean much though. It just means you have the same/similar tastes. However, sweaters are a tad bit different than matching shirts, and haircuts can be subjective.


same haircut, doesn't mean same hair length...

are you gay?? because no guy and girl have the same hair cut...

This is the lamest thing I have ever read. Just because you guys are wearing the same sweater does not automatically imply you guys are married. There are hundreds of YOUNG couples wear matching clothes, but unlike you OP they don't think their life is f^cked up. Get over yourself. Your life is not "oh so bad" all because of the same haircut and sweater. I am surprised as to why this was even allowed to be posted.

does ur hair look like a guys or does urs

californiway 0

How is this being like an old married couple? I see lots of young couples intentionally wearing couple shirts or the same colors. It's adorable in a way. I don't care what hair you have since I don't judge people's hair, but umm.....this isn't really something go all fml about =_=