Babe, I am your father.

By no, oh god no - 08/09/2018 14:30

Today, it was only as my boyfriend met my dad for the first time that I realised how alike they are. Same opinions, same dress sense, same moustache and beard, same height and body shape, similar jobs and cars, and they support the same rugby team. They got on like a house on fire as soon as they met. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 780
You deserved it 732

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emma Marshall 19

Would you rather they hate each other....?

Is it really that big of a deal that they're going to spend every other weekend fly fishing, before coming home with their catch, and relaxing in front of the fire with a cigar, and a glass of cognac?


Emma Marshall 19

Would you rather they hate each other....?

It’s not so much that as OP is essentially dating their dad.

"Girls marry [man like] their fathers." There is nothing wrong with you choosing a boyfriend who is like your father.

Unless your father is actually a complete jerk. Then you don’t wanna marry someone like him.

Burle 17

@raven of azarath All over this comment section shutting people down lol

Is it really that big of a deal that they're going to spend every other weekend fly fishing, before coming home with their catch, and relaxing in front of the fire with a cigar, and a glass of cognac?

Mathalamus 24

Don't worry to much about it this is really common. I know multiple people who have a relationship with someone that look and act like their parents or siblings

Well it's said if you marry/date someone like there parents the reltionship usually will last ☺️

My mom married someone who ended up like her dad, and they got divorced.

It's said that women tend to marry a man who reminds them of their father, and men tend to marry a woman who reminds them of their mother.

Not always true my mom beat me like I owed her money