By oldandmarriedapparently - 02/03/2010 05:15 - United States

Today, I saw my boyfriend for the first time in a while. When he came over we realized that we had not only gotten the same haircut, but we were also wearing the same sweater. We are a matching old couple at 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 517
You deserved it 25 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

immafiremylaser 0

Why is this an FML? It's kinda funny, but not terrible.

That's adorable. My boyfriend and I actually bought the same shirts from Threadless on accident. It doesn't mean much though. It just means you have the same/similar tastes. However, sweaters are a tad bit different than matching shirts, and haircuts can be subjective.


tereshay 0

Kanye And Amber Rose lookin couple?

kgraham21 0

It says OP is female, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

hey all you inconsiderate commenters, mybe the OP is a guy, ever think of that? respect his/her choices. lol it sux that you and your b match.

Damn people are narrow minded. 1. Just because she has a shorter hair cut and a possible boy's sweatshirt doesn't mean she's a guy or gay or lesbian. Girls get shorter hair cuts all the TIME! (( and it looks fine. Just as often as boys get longer hair dos. As far as the sweatshirt. Hell, I get sweatshirts from the guy's side of stores every once and awhile. I even borrow my boyfriend's sweatshirts from time to time. They are more comfy. They have more room and they are good for lounging in and occasionally sleeping in. Girls can't always be about looks, sometimes they need to be more comfortable. 2. Even IF she WAS gay or lesbian or actually a man, why the hell would any of you care? So what? It's her life she can do what she wants. 3. You don't know why she has her hair short. Maybe she chose it for something new, maybe she's always had short hair or maybe its more manageable and easy if it's short. Every man I've ever met would rather have a girl who was low maintenance than someone who took four hours to do their hair. OP, it's not really an FML, but its okay. Someday it will be a good laugh. And think of it this way, at least you know you guys have similar tastes! :]

whatshernuts 0

Yeah, seriously. On the sweater thing: I have an old man's argyle sweater I got from a thrift store and I get compliments every time I wear it. Plus it's comfortable and cozy. Have people never heard of chicks wearing large-fitting sweaters with skinny jeans or something? I also have short hair... buuuuuut I'm half a fag so I'm not a very good example for the whole "short hair =/= dyke" case study. Still, some people just look better with shorter hair. I didn't know there was anything wrong with that.

hmm so both of you look like a girl or a guy. either way that's terrible.