By MgmEboy - 19/09/2009 21:36 - Canada

Today, I saw a YouTube video of a guy scratching a knife and a screwdriver on his iPod, and at the end he showed how there were no scratches and the screen was still clean. I took my iPod touch and did the same with a knife. It didn't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 320
You deserved it 268 826

Same thing different taste


Julioyobaby 0

Are you an idiot? Why would you try to do that to a super expensive iTouch?! I mean, they have advertisements all the time for those protective phone covers! YDI so much it isn't even funny.

stupidest shit of myyyy lifeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! like wow, seriously ? who the **** would even want to try that shit!!!!!! ?!>#@!@>>!~#2473925#@!%$#@!%$# U JUST ******* WASTED AN IPOD TOUCH U ******* IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! u dont deserve shit, u ******* piece of caca!!!!! YDI!!!!!!!! u deserve everything bad that happends to u ******* useless human being!!!!!!! so **** YOUR LIFE! FYLFYLFYLFLYFLYLFYLFYLLYLL i hate u.

sch1ll lmao bro come down its just a story. and it might be fake. and seriously shut your filthy mouth.

Calm the **** down. It's most likely fake, and even if it isn't, who cares if she wasted an iPod? It's not like she broke yours or anything, so there's no bloody need to get all worked up. |:

Crunchy08 0

Wow, ur really slow... I have one of those clear shields on my iPhone so I could get away w/ that cuz that's what their showing on the vid most likley.... did u even read what he was demonstrating it for? cuz in prettyy sure it would have said and u would have realized that u don't have it.....sorry fyl cuz I would cry if my phoe got scratched up

omg WHAT AN IDIOT why would you even want to try that? you think it would be fun...? wow......

Lets just hope you were smart enough to get a warranty.

How can you get a warranty on something stupid you did yourself. Apple will take one look at it and laugh.

Well the video is true. I have keyed and dropped my iPod and the screen has no scratches. You probably just wanted attention. Why would you penetrate the screen with a knife?