By DosSantos - 03/08/2017 00:30

Today, I returned from a trip to Budapest with more condoms than I had brought with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 465
You deserved it 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You went to Hungary and came back Thirsty?

OP: why did you buy more condoms in Hungary?


Sounds like the condoms got luckier than you did!

You went to Hungary and came back Thirsty?

were you, like, there with someone, or did you expect to have sex with a few randos on the way?

That's societies way of telling you to please do not procreate.

OP: why did you buy more condoms in Hungary?

Lobby_Bee 17

Wait, what?? Did someone give you extra condoms and tell you not to reproduce?

Must have been embarrassing having to declare them at Customs..

InfiniteSecret 20

Why would you have to declare them? ????

Sounds like you should look up some of those life hacks involving condoms. At least they won't go to waste that way.

Everybody knows, you fill them with water and throw them off the roof.