By n0taplumber - 16/11/2010 03:25 - United States

Today, I reached in between the couch cushions to see if my iPod had slipped in there. I didn't find my iPod, but I did find an old utility knife blade. With my fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 823
You deserved it 4 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What else would you use to find things between couch cushions? Toes?


What if he (if it was a guy) was lying down trying to get it and he got and erection?

this is Steve jobs way for selling accessories to fingerless people

Tizzzy thats gross lol i saw one on the street :/ you didnt finish your post op, & then what?

u guess you got the point. don't be a prick. or you'll get cut.

"I did find an old utility knife blade. With my fingers." What the hell did you expect to find it with? Your foot?

You should turn yourself into mini form and get in there and when you get in there a voice will say. "How do you want to get out this time?" Then you say, "I'm going to try shooting my way out, mix things up a little"

+117 internetz if you get the reference...

No, spiritofradio, it's from that porno, Highway ***** 7: takin' the Hershey highway.

RedPillSucks 31

I'm dieing of suspense here. Who won the internet point?

It's actually from Backyard ***** 9. Stan's dad made a reference to it in South Park.

whats with the halo referance #5? to be specific its from the level cortana, in halo 3 and yes, i googled it

I didn't need to google it. and what's the point of this comment?

What else would you use to find things between couch cushions? Toes?

A small stick perhaps? Have some creativity.

No, he/she was obviously expecting to find it with her back fat when he/she sat down.