By polish_chik - 01/09/2009 04:00 - Canada

Today, I saw a poor helpless cat in the middle of the road while driving. I pulled over and scooped it in my arms to bring it to safety. Not only did I get mauled and scratched by the cat, my car also wasn't put in park and rolled away hitting a parked car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 295
You deserved it 38 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That one could go either way. FYL for getting scratched but YDI for not parking the car.

DAMN! lol bad things happen to good people! :P


ydi for not swerving and destroying tht lil ******

mischiefkitty 4

Good of you for wanting to help the cat. In the future though be mindful that a scared cat is very likely to scratch. If you still need to pick them up. Wrap a blanket or sweater or something around them. Make sure to cover their head. And make sure to watch those scratches. You can get illnesses like cat scratch disease.

No, this was not the right thing to do. One should never treat a wild animal, or really any animal they don't know this way. Wild animals don't like this sort of attention and can be frightened of humans, and they can also pose a risk to people if they have rabies or something. If it's in the street and should not be there, just chase it out of the street.

naomiyi 0

Hey, i'm really glad that you saved the animal. It was a really good deed and i praise you for that. I feel sorry that you got scratched by it but it's only because the cat's unfamiliar with you. I'v been scratched countless times. Keep up the good work. =)

If the cat is stupid enough to stand in the middle of the road, it deserves to be removed from the gene pool. Natural selection, my friends. ;) Besides, it was an ungrateful little bastard.

visage 0

YDI... did you think you were gonna take a wild cat home so you two could lick milk out of a small bowl while watching Lifetime network?! Then to top it off your ignorance caused damage to someone elses stuff. Good going!

Okay, SO RANDOM but... what area of Ontario? It's the longest of long shots, but my sister's cat didn't come back inside last week, so I may as well ask.

angryseatroll 5

Mischeifkitty- my mistake I meant to say rabies shots. You don't want to risk it