By -_- - 22/04/2015 15:06 - United States - Amherst

Today, my boss gave me the job of dealing with the guys doing the roofing at our store. His reasoning is that since we're all Hispanic, I'm perfect for the job because "You guys all know each other." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 504
You deserved it 2 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am also Hispanic. That's so wrong of your boss to assume that about us... anyways, see you at bowling this Sunday, OP.


I am also Hispanic. That's so wrong of your boss to assume that about us... anyways, see you at bowling this Sunday, OP.

I like people like you who don't take things too personal, this was a pretty awesome comment!

I'm not racist but... Must be his favorite way to start conversation with you OP.

Everyone who starts a sentence with "I'm not racist but..." usually is.

#40 I'm pretty sure 39 knew that considering he was talking about the boss.

Bowling? i thiught we were gonna meet at my cousins and play soccer in his backyard

This is the most amazing answer anyone could have ever given

randomguy76 14

Well, at least he did not say you all look alike.

He's clueless. I'm sure he doesn't better. Be the bigger person and don't get too crossed with him.

How can someone say YDI for this? FYL op, that's not fair for your boss to be racist like that.

I think there's just a bitter segment of FML readers who press YDI on all of them. Seriously, every post has like 2k YDI's at least.

Not that it warrants a ydi, but the boss may have been hoping op could bridge any language gaps

Seriously thats only with us Italians...

Bosses, always known for their tact and sensitivity.

Sounds like your boss needs to think a little bit more about what comes out of his mouth.