By mfischer - 16/11/2012 09:40 - United States

Today, I sat on my balls while at a restaurant. As I was wincing in pain and readjusting myself, my girlfriend came and sat on my lap. She landed directly on my nuts. After a minute or two, I stood up, only to rack myself once again on the corner of the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 793
You deserved it 5 486

mfischer tells us more.

I was wearing regular jeans. I do occasionally wear skinny jeans, but nothing like this ever happened.

Top comments

perdix 29

Three strikes, no balls . . . you're out!


X3liteXHunterX 12

Pretty sure they are like that because, if they were any closer to our body, the heat would kill the sperm.

joethebiden 8
xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Sounds like something that'll happen in one of those comedic movies that parodies other movies, like scary movie or something.

How do you not know how those things work?

Ouch town, population: you bro. Sitting on them once is enough punishment for a day.

I have to admit, I have a strange fascination with guy's balls. :P One tiny little tap in the right spot and he'll scream like you just hit them with a Mack Truck. Really?

It's a completely unprotected organ. Imagine getting struck in your liver or spleen without any bone, skin, or fat to soften the blow.

Funny how I'm getting down voted. It's not like I'm going around hitting them on purpose or something. Oh, I know gracehi. (:The body design is pleasantly odd.

perdix 29

#39, what about the converse? If you treat his balls right, then you will have a friend for life. I still don't understand why they are a symbol of courage.

Perdix, they're a symbol of courage because we have a lot at stake with such a delicate organ!

I'm afraid that I must heartily disagree with you.

Today is just not a good day to be your testicles, huh?

Clearly God is a woman because who would have designed us this way? we don't use our brain=protected by a skull. we think with our junk=leave it completely unprotected with no hard shell. WTH?!