By mfischer - 16/11/2012 09:40 - United States

Today, I sat on my balls while at a restaurant. As I was wincing in pain and readjusting myself, my girlfriend came and sat on my lap. She landed directly on my nuts. After a minute or two, I stood up, only to rack myself once again on the corner of the table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 793
You deserved it 5 486

mfischer tells us more.

I was wearing regular jeans. I do occasionally wear skinny jeans, but nothing like this ever happened.

Top comments

perdix 29

Three strikes, no balls . . . you're out!


the_poolboy 10

Ouch I feel your pain and the third time you did it to yourself... Accident or not that was ballsy

...Oh he's got big balls... But we've got the biggest balls of them all! AC/DC

crazy4uboi 6

She sat on your lap in a restaurant? Hmm guess I'm just weird about PDA I always have been

One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl...which I imagine you're talking like now

RealTalk0 7

There goes millions of potential children.

Meow_Bitches 7

Aw man I feel so bad for you >_<

#105 The sperm does not die at normal body temperature. At extreme heat like summer or hot environments the sack drops to reduce heat. In the event of winter the sack goes up to get heat. So in reality it is a good design just fragile. Therefore sperm does not die in a women body otherwise we would not be here talking about this. Although we should have more durable protection.

answeryourphone 3