By livingamongtheflowers - 15/05/2014 05:40 - United States

Today, I received yet another rejection letter from a college I'd applied to. After crying for a week about how lousy I felt, my older sister gave me all 6 of the acceptance letters she'd been hiding. Turns out she's been forging rejection letters and keeping the real ones in her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 040
You deserved it 5 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get the whole sibling rivalry thing, but your sister is a bitch.

When it's that time of the month for her, hide all of the pads and tampons in the house. She's gonna bloody regret messing with you :)


I understand that there can be some sibling rivalry but at this point your sister is just a ****..

she will end up working for money on that pole

OP, please drop back in and let us know what happened to you since you missed the national deadline.

flynryder 7

What a bitch. A very clever bitch

You got into all of the colleges you applied to! That's amazing! It's a shame that your sister is (probably) very envious of you, but that isn't going to help her. Let her find that out on her own and keep doing that great stuff OP :)

May 1 is typically the deadline to choose which college you're going to, so unless OP waited a few weeks to post this, her sister only gave her the acceptance letters once it was too late.

Just.... Why? Congrats on getting six acceptance letters though!

I would hug her. Now you know rejection and failure. Now you can go to college and give everything you have.