By livingamongtheflowers - 15/05/2014 05:40 - United States

Today, I received yet another rejection letter from a college I'd applied to. After crying for a week about how lousy I felt, my older sister gave me all 6 of the acceptance letters she'd been hiding. Turns out she's been forging rejection letters and keeping the real ones in her room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 040
You deserved it 5 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I get the whole sibling rivalry thing, but your sister is a bitch.

When it's that time of the month for her, hide all of the pads and tampons in the house. She's gonna bloody regret messing with you :)


Just mess with her birth control. She wont be going to college

NodakN8V 25

Hat tip to the sis. Classic. Now it's time to get in the game and start sending her hospital pregnancy letters your parents will see ...

Congratulations on all 6 acceptance placements. Now all you need to do is decide hitch college you want to attend. Oh and your sister is mean spirited.

You should replace her shampoo with that soap that makes you lose hair. (The kind that you use on you're legs and stuff)

What a shity thing to do. Hopefully it's not too late for you to call the one you really wanted to go to.

Is it past the deadline to accept those offers? If so, she should die. Seriously.

Well hey at least you got accepted right?

I have nothing profound to say other than you sister is a horrible bitch.

please, please tell me that you were able to accept to one of them before the deadline, cuz if you don't I'm going to die!!!!!

elizacandle 29

how mean.... did she give em to you in time?