By Anonymous - 05/07/2019 02:00

Today, I realized the cute guy in my Spanish class only talks to me so he can steal my answers. He asked if I'd give him the answers for the final as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 588
You deserved it 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trinity Fenwick 7

oohhh oohhh say yes but only if he buys you a nice dinner and then totally give him half of the wrong answers. gotta be sneaky. also payback a real bitch. cheers.

¡Si, muchacho! Burrito taco chimichanga guacamole. Ai, ai, ai! Ai, papi! (I’m guessing that’s your reply.)


Trinity Fenwick 7

oohhh oohhh say yes but only if he buys you a nice dinner and then totally give him half of the wrong answers. gotta be sneaky. also payback a real bitch. cheers.

¡Si, muchacho! Burrito taco chimichanga guacamole. Ai, ai, ai! Ai, papi! (I’m guessing that’s your reply.)

TomeDr 24

If you do, make sure they’re all wrong.

Sonotsuave 35

Wtf I don’t care how cute someone is don’t let them cheat. Screw that, offer him some tutoring or something but don’t let him take advantage like that

I know someone that was in the same situation and now they’ve been married 26 years next week.