You're my mommy now

By Lissy - 05/01/2021 14:02

Today, and everyday since we got a puppy in March, my husband is jealous of the puppy who follows me everywhere. He was the one that wanted the puppy and now he practically hates it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 903
You deserved it 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like your husband has more growing up to do than the puppy.

You should scratch him behind the ears and say "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" and then express his anal glands. Husbands like that.


get him more involved with the puppy :) like get him to dog train it, it'll knot them closer together and he'll feel more connected to it :)

Sounds like your husband has more growing up to do than the puppy.

You should scratch him behind the ears and say "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" and then express his anal glands. Husbands like that.

oh god, I have a feeling thats gonna be me and my husband when we get a dog except the dog will follow him and not me lol.

phybreawptic 13

Might as well get rid of the dog.