By Speechless - 18/03/2015 08:37 - United States - San Luis Obispo

Today, during an exam, the guy next to me tried to cheat by looking at my test but was caught by the proctor. His defense was that no one would ever cheat off me. The proctor agreed and allowed him to finish the test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 549
You deserved it 6 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go back and say it doesn't matter if anyone would usually, you know for a fact they were sitting there looking at your paper while writing the test, that he was cheating, and that there should be consequences for it.

Rosebudx 32

Turn that proctor in. Completely unprofessional.


Can't really blame him if it's true... Still, he tried to cheat and should have failed the test by the default!

From the sound of it, he's going to fail whether he gets reprimanded or cheats off the OPs test. Lol

assassinbanana0 20

You CAN blame him, the proctor should be more professional

Wow, well he was obviously wrong because he WAS cheating off you. At least you're not just a lazy sack who takes advantage of others' knowledge to get their way through life.

Rosebudx 32

Turn that proctor in. Completely unprofessional.

That seems like something someone would get a zero for on a test to begin with, they should be fired or reprimanded somehow

Wow, what a jerk. Take his answer key and then hand it back to him and say he's to stupid to cheat off of because you managed to get it.

danceinconverse 25

That's so stupid of the examiner, why would you make that up!?

Go back and say it doesn't matter if anyone would usually, you know for a fact they were sitting there looking at your paper while writing the test, that he was cheating, and that there should be consequences for it.

That's idiotic. If he continues to copy, put down the wrong answers, and change them once he turns his in

seems to me that if he made that much effort to actually look for cheaters then he should do something about them! my procter just sat at her desk and played on her phone the whole time.

well hes a dumbass for cheating off someone he thought was a dumbass