By FranticFarAwayDaughter - 16/11/2017 19:00

Today, my mother was transferred from the hospital to a long-term care facility. Nobody I talk to at the hospital knows what facility they sent her to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 736
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is most definitely something that should have been written in her file. Speak to a case manager. Don't let them put you off or tell you not to worry, if they didn't write it in her records it's a major problem on their part.

Lobby_Bee 17

There is no mother, YOU are the long term patient at the psychiatric hospital for hallucinations.


That is most definitely something that should have been written in her file. Speak to a case manager. Don't let them put you off or tell you not to worry, if they didn't write it in her records it's a major problem on their part.

azouwa 26

Ask them who is your moms emergency contact or durable power of attorney (DPOA). They could be lying to you, because you're not over her well being. Once you find out who the DPOA is get in contact with them. If the DPOA doesn't know where your mom is they can talk with the hospital for you, and call you back.

Lobby_Bee 17

There is no mother, YOU are the long term patient at the psychiatric hospital for hallucinations.

Notmymonkeysnotmycircus 16

There could be two reasons: (1) Your mother does not want to disclose personal information to you or (2) The staff is being difficult for who knows what reason. When a patient is discharged, it is documented in the progress notes as to where they are being sent to and even if not, there should be a transfer authorization number. It seems to me that this long-term care facility is new to her and thus, there should be documents about it accepting her as a new patient. Then there is an issue of the staff not wanting to access her chart because unless there is a valid reason, discharged patient charts should not be accessed due to confidential reasons. If that is the case, go to health records and request for a copy of the information, but be prepared to pay for it and bring proof of ID that you are indeed related to your mom.

exileonmainst 16

If they aren't giving you any info whatsoever, then I think its time to goto the local news media & get answers. They definitely don't want 'bad press' for their hospital loosing patients when its there responsibility to keep up with all of it when they are their patient. Shalom.

Sounds like everyone at the hospital needs to be transferred to a long-term care facility!

Her doctor has to know where she is. If even he/she can't find out then it's time to go to the police. Report the hospital for kidnapping.