By keerow - 26/02/2013 15:54 - United States

Today, I realized that the homeless people I give change to all dress better than I do, including the one that doesn't believe in pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 066
You deserved it 25 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twinkletoes747 16

I guess he has stylish undies! If he wears any at all. *shudders*

Well, it is becoming a trend to wear secondhand clothing and have a beard.


twinkletoes747 16

I guess he has stylish undies! If he wears any at all. *shudders*

It makes me wonder... do you dress worse because you just don't care or because you can't afford it? If your giving change to homeless people then my guess is you don't care to much about your appearance.

Good will has got some good shit to wear so I believe it

Goodwill also puts aside a percentage of their good-quality clothing so they can give it directly to the needy. So it's probably all second-hand stuff that they didn't buy themselves.

56 - Yes, the flashers go for the stylish raincoats.

Well, it is becoming a trend to wear secondhand clothing and have a beard.

Beards are about more than style. They're about hating shaving lol.

52- idk duck dynasty is giving that comment a run for its money

64 - Very true. That show makes me wanna grow a full on hobo beard.

Get a clue, hit up the local goodwill or something.

challan 19

I wear my granddads clothes, I look incredible.

MolesterStallone 13

Because goodwill will allow him to dress better than a homeless person....

27- That'll get you a nice shirt or two, denim pants, and a belt. It'll take some effort to find some shoes that match, though. May have to spring a few more for a jacket or blazer. See? Thrift shopping is easy!

Thrift stores always have the best sweaters too. Seriously, the sweaters that old people leave there are phenomenal. It's a wonder they part with them.

9 - I would love to! You find the darnedest things sometimes (did you know that leopard-skin hoodies are a thing?)

51 - Let's do this. I want to get crocodile skin pumps.

Revan501 15
TheDrifter 23

No pants Tuesday! Somehow I foresee issues with this concept in my workplace.

Sounds like you have an opportunity to make some money if you just walk around in public with an empty drink cup...

arexis 6