By Too fast. - 07/12/2016 05:54 - Uruguay - Montevideo

Today, I got told by my classmates to slow down because I put too much pressure on them. I'm taking a class in accounting for the first time in my life, we are all over 25 and so far we are doing basic math. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 217
You deserved it 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did they all say that or some? Some people learn differently..Some a lot slower than others. However, I'm guessing studying accounting means you should already know basic maths?? Anyway, I'm sure you can speak to the tutor to provide further advanced math for you to study independently.

TwinkleToes7 15

That is a little sad.. at least you seem to know what to do!


TwinkleToes7 15

That is a little sad.. at least you seem to know what to do!

So you're taking a class with morons. You should be at the top. lol

Miiiiiiiiiiiight aaaaaaaaaaye reeeeeccoooooomeeeend taaaaaaaaaaalkiiiiiiiiiiiing liiiiiiiiiiiiiike thiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssss until, one by one, your classmates either shut up or move to a different table?

Im glad you made this comment first, because i had the same thought, and would've gotten thumbed down. So instead, i shall laugh at your comment (and consider if op could get away with irl) and be thankfull.

Did they all say that or some? Some people learn differently..Some a lot slower than others. However, I'm guessing studying accounting means you should already know basic maths?? Anyway, I'm sure you can speak to the tutor to provide further advanced math for you to study independently.

There's only one thing school taught me; trust no one.

Whaaaat Dooooeeesss A Yeeellllllloooow Liiiiiigggghhht Meeeeeeeaaaan?

You need to look up this clip on YouTube before you vote on this!

Im curious to know exactly what kind of math you're going over. Accounting can be complex and all, but the math itself is most certainly not. It's nothing the average person hasn't already covered at some point in school.

people who are older tend to take lonter when learning new things. Maye they were never taught how to do basic math correctly at a young age and just depended on calcuators.

it's college, and they're all adults. you work at YOUR pace, and if they have a problem with that they can suck it up and step up their game.