Roommates from hell, part 4874

By Ohgodithurts - 19/10/2020 11:00

Today, I got a second degree sunburn everywhere above my waist, for which I've been using a medicated lotion. My roommate "pranked" me by switching the lotion with a similarly colored, very caustic acne wash. My chest feels like it's roasting in hell and is oozing pus and oil now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 636
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

time to find a new roommate as soon as you can. the one you have now is either a shit face, a dumb shit face, or just dangerously dumb. non are good traits in someone who you live with

tounces7 27

So yeah that's actually illegal and could land him in prison.


time to find a new roommate as soon as you can. the one you have now is either a shit face, a dumb shit face, or just dangerously dumb. non are good traits in someone who you live with

gee001 6

Tell him he either has to pay for your future medical products/bills on this matter or gtfo.

tounces7 27

So yeah that's actually illegal and could land him in prison.

Kat Werner 8

That's assault. You should take pictures of what you look like now and press charges. **** that guy.