By FellingShitty - 05/10/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I realized I'm missing my diamond earrings. After ripping apart the vacuum bag and exhausting all other options I'm pretty sure my new cat ate them. I'm going to go sift through several days worth of cat shit now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 484
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'A diamond in the rough' doesn't even begin to cover this. And all those scene songs about diamonds and pussy now have context, don't they?

Why would a cat eat diamond earrings?? That does not make any sense, unless of course you starved and depraved your cat of food and water, and he thought to take vengeance :D I dont know I could be wrong


Mabster84 2

What exactly made you so sure that your cat has eaten them? First you were sure that it had to be the vacuum but that didn't pan out... Maybe you're just a dimwit and left them somewhere that you forgot about?

Your cat craps diamonds? Where can I get myself one of those? >^(o.o)^ Text-Kitty fail.

muffinsareyummy 1

not sure why people even pay so much for ******* earrings. just go to claires and get a knockoff.

This is either fake or OP's a retard. What in the world makes you think your cat ate you diamond earring?? It's hard and cold, your cat will never eat it..

Oh, I'll show you something hard and cold...

lackofsanityx 0

OP better not let the cat go out, even in the back yard. There are lots of rocks and stones out there and the cat might eat them..

kellster 2

I'm sorry you're "felling" so shitty about it!

It's well known that when cats eat genuine diamonds they poop out cubic zirconiums. It's not like your husband/boyfriend cheaped out on you and spent most of his genuine diamond money on hookers and your slutty "fun" sister and gave you something that looks like diamonds.

BioMajor12 0

Maybe you should put them up where they belong so this doesnt happen. Who just leaves diamond earrings lying around?

You do realize what will happen to the insides of an animal that eats diamonds right? Take your cat to the vet!

Save the money on the vet, just buy new earrings.