By FellingShitty - 05/10/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I realized I'm missing my diamond earrings. After ripping apart the vacuum bag and exhausting all other options I'm pretty sure my new cat ate them. I'm going to go sift through several days worth of cat shit now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 488
You deserved it 6 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'A diamond in the rough' doesn't even begin to cover this. And all those scene songs about diamonds and pussy now have context, don't they?

Why would a cat eat diamond earrings?? That does not make any sense, unless of course you starved and depraved your cat of food and water, and he thought to take vengeance :D I dont know I could be wrong


'A diamond in the rough' doesn't even begin to cover this. And all those scene songs about diamonds and pussy now have context, don't they?

cucuto89 0
devinashley 0

how did your cat even get a hold of them? I'm guessing that means you don't put them in a jewelry box or anything?

That stinks. It happened to my aunt, but then she found the diamond earring in her dogs waterbowl.

My old cat used to steal shiny money. I think animals are attracted to shiny objects...

$10 says you're wearing them. Or you gave yourself a christina and a nipple piercing with them when you got drunk.

Why would a cat eat diamond earrings?? That does not make any sense, unless of course you starved and depraved your cat of food and water, and he thought to take vengeance :D I dont know I could be wrong

Animals eat some weird things sometimes. I saw a sponge in my friend's dog poo once. lol On a more serious note, sometimes dogs or cats lick their ID tags because they're low on iron, or eat their own poop because they don't feel like they got enough nutrition for the day. Maybe the same applies here... or maybe the cat just saw something shiny! lol

caticaticati 3

My cat chews on my rings and necklaces when I wear them, especially the ones that look like diamonds. I have no doubt that if I left earrings that looked like diamonds or if the stone fell out of a necklace that my cat would try to eat it.

ryguy997 0

so your friend ***** out dog crap? or do you mean your friend's dog's poo. DOH!!!!

ryguy997 0

I'm talking to #10!!!! just to clarify. heiehedbsjdkdhdjshsj

bre_zip_it_up13 11

Your cat would be dead if it ate your earrings. Sharp pokey metal things in a very small digestive tract don't work.

Jenspaztic 0

clearly you over estimate the size of the average diamond earrings. it's not like she owns the crown jewels.

She said "sharp, pokey, metal things" referring to the post of the earring. She said nothing about the diamonds being too big.

MissNat_fml 0

oOooo shiny things! 0_o hope u find them