By FellingShitty - 05/10/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I realized I'm missing my diamond earrings. After ripping apart the vacuum bag and exhausting all other options I'm pretty sure my new cat ate them. I'm going to go sift through several days worth of cat shit now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 484
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'A diamond in the rough' doesn't even begin to cover this. And all those scene songs about diamonds and pussy now have context, don't they?

Why would a cat eat diamond earrings?? That does not make any sense, unless of course you starved and depraved your cat of food and water, and he thought to take vengeance :D I dont know I could be wrong


Sociopath 0

wow... That sucks. Wear a face mask and gloves.

reminds me of when I found my mom's diamond from her ring on the ground.

EpicFail1520 16
bleedingglitter 24

I would understand if you have a dog but I've never seen a cat interested in eating anything metal. Certainly not a fully grown, well fed cat at least. My cat won't even eat people food let alone random jewelry.

this makes no sense. why would your cat eat them? and why wouldn't you put diamond earrings away???