By Sammy - 25/11/2011 08:44 - United States

Today, I re-broke my leg. The same way I broke it the first time, playing frisbee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 981
You deserved it 13 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Frisbee is a dangerous game. Claims many victims.


MoonPhase123 4

And this is why we must learn from our mistakes.

Jason199615 0

They had to fix my butt too, it had a crack in it :)

DKjazz 20

Me, too! I slipped and cracked my tailbone on a mountain hike, once. EDIT: Oh wait. YOU'RE A PHONY!

joee182 3

come on like he knew he would break his leg by playing frisbee again-.-

By "frisbee", I hope you meant "running from a bear that was attacking the child you saved in that burning building"

I don't know how you play frisbee but I'm pretty sure you're doing it wrong..

fencer310 0

Way to get a major injury playing a wussy-ass sport. It's like getting a concussion playing Chess

...Don't play frisbee anymore. "Doctor, it hurts when I do this" "Then, don't do that!"

xSonic 9

What's a tree in the kitchen for?!!