By Wilson - 04/10/2018 22:00

Today, I fractured my tibia, fibula, and tore a tendon in my ankle. How? You might ask. By stepping in a hole at soccer practice. Now I’ll be out for the entire season with months of rehab. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 656
You deserved it 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon!!!

I did the same thing playing softball and we were short players that day, but still had 2 that could sub for me. The coach refused to sub me out. I had to play 3 more innings...hopping & screaming. She was never allowed to coach again.


Sorry to hear that. Hope you get well soon!!!

If they try to make you go to rehab, you can say, “No, no, no!” I heard someone tried that — I wonder how it turned out for them?

ari330 21

we're doing the bone dance, you study the answers, again and again til I get it right

MannyWasHere 12

No pain, no game. Gotta love soccer ⚽️

I did the same thing playing softball and we were short players that day, but still had 2 that could sub for me. The coach refused to sub me out. I had to play 3 more innings...hopping & screaming. She was never allowed to coach again.

a gopher hole? why would there be a random hole you know soccer field?

sorry you are in pain though. I have a student who is in a similar situation. he's been on crutches for weeks.