By Booooolette - 22/06/2016 04:27 - France - Beauvais

Today, I managed to fracture my shoulder blade and dislocate my shoulder, just by falling off a deckchair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 984
You deserved it 1 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

drayloon 50

Did you fall off a desk chair perched at the edge of a long staircase or something?

mds9986 24

I knew somebody who was sitting in a desk chair, went to pick up a pen he dropped, and the chair tipped over and he crushed his spine, permanently disabling him. Desk chairs can be dangerous.


drayloon 50

Did you fall off a desk chair perched at the edge of a long staircase or something?

NoThanks999 19

Well how f***ing high was it?!

That must have been one hell of a fall

mds9986 24

I knew somebody who was sitting in a desk chair, went to pick up a pen he dropped, and the chair tipped over and he crushed his spine, permanently disabling him. Desk chairs can be dangerous.

OP was in a "deck" chair, not "desk." But damn that's some crazy shit.

mds9986 24

Haha, I totally misread the type of chair.

Sounds more like someone trying to get benefits from the government by pretending to be handicapped.

mds9986 24

Yeah I'm sure those spine fracture X-rays were fabricated

First you break your hand in your competitive dramatic speech, then you break part of your leg at your dancing school's show, and now this?! You are really accident prone!

Did you fall off the deck too? Lol That sucks OP


drink more milk, you obviously have weak bones.