By Sammy - 25/11/2011 08:44 - United States

Today, I re-broke my leg. The same way I broke it the first time, playing frisbee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 981
You deserved it 13 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Frisbee is a dangerous game. Claims many victims.


keshaforever1 14

Why did you play frisbee again then??

massacreman3000 1

My boyfriend is the same way. I swear, his tombstone is going to say "but, I caught the frisbee!!"

ChickenPollos 6
totreaper 0

You should give up frisbee and switch to Tackle Football. Frisbee is dangerous

I have played ultimate frisbee and it is not that intense. I do not know how anyone could break their leg playing frisbee unless they are really careless and stupid.

you know its almost impossible to re break your leg twice in the same spot since your bones grow back with twice the strengthen. you probably don't let it heal properly. just saying