By oconron - 06/03/2009 06:09 - United States

Today, I put my picture into a celebrity look alike website. The three matches that came up were Barbra Streisand, Hillary Clinton, and Boy George. I'm 16. I'm a boy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 670
You deserved it 7 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hillary Clinton does have a couple of manly features

elianne 0

Haha! I got Hillary Clinton too! My 20 year old brother got Mischa Barton and Natalie Portman


Well, you're just 16. You're bound to not look as masculine now as you will in the future.

well I did that and it came up as Obama, Jesus, and Chuck Norris

Not really an FML. Just means you have similar facial structure. BFD.

Hillary Clinton does have a couple of manly features

elianne 0

Haha! I got Hillary Clinton too! My 20 year old brother got Mischa Barton and Natalie Portman

that site is messed up. if you put a picture of yourself wearing glasses it just picks a bunch of people wearing glasses. lol.

King_of_Kings_2 0

i've done that before. except it was a musician match my friend did on his computer. i got matched with Jimmy Page, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix. and my real name is James.

LittleMissMack 0

Chill, it only matches you with people who have their head cocked the same way and the same type of accessories (like glasses or a hat).

it's spelled Barbra.. not Barbara. :)

you should be ashamed for knowing that....

Isn't that how op spelled it? Or are you correcting someone else?