Creepy idea, dude

By Anonymous - 22/10/2020 17:01

Today, I finally found a way to lesser the loneliness in my life. During at least one work or school zoom meeting a day, I "pin" a random female attendee's screen. That way, I can pretend we're staring into each others eyes the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 425
You deserved it 1 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

21st century Ted Bundy. Knock it off with the creepy stuff, dude.

Gross, lol. I guess it's almost a victimless crime but it really suggests a lot of other "pushing boundaries" kind of behavior. Currently harmless, but hilariously creepy.


21st century Ted Bundy. Knock it off with the creepy stuff, dude.

That is so sad and pathetic. What's even more sad and pathetic is that I'll probably start trying that. :(

Gross, lol. I guess it's almost a victimless crime but it really suggests a lot of other "pushing boundaries" kind of behavior. Currently harmless, but hilariously creepy.

Ambrily 27
icalledhisname 12

Time for you to get into watching video game live streams or art live streams. It’s not the same, but, there’s a bit of consent there. Streamers play or make art, expecting people to watch and hang out.

Aurora25 29

thats creepy as **** man.. no wonder you're alone!

*old man voice* Back in my day, Sonny, when you pinned a girl, it meant you were going steady.