By what the fuck - 25/08/2013 19:28 - Malaysia - Petaling Jaya

Today, a customer spent ages bitching me out, because he refused to believe he needed to upgrade his computer, which still runs Windows 98, in order to install a modern game for his grandson. He ended up calling my manager and trying to get me fired for scamming him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 470
You deserved it 2 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My grandma wouldn't have understood either probably vut trying to get you fired was rude

You mean you can't run Crysis on Windows 98?...huh...I have some reevaluating to do


My grandma wouldn't have understood either probably vut trying to get you fired was rude

Who runs Windows 98 anymore, anyways...

Windows 98 is excellent for my Minesweeper needs. I recommend it

I don't really blame the grandpa. So many places like that do upsell you so much stuff that you'll never need. Its hard to tell if the salesperson really thinks you need something or is just working for a higher commission. But trying to get an employee fired over that is way over board.

Well, they say you can't teach old dogs new tricks. I guess you can't upgrade their Operating Systems, either. Old folks, gotta love them though. No, seriously. If your grandparents hadn't you know what'ed- your parents wouldn't be here and neither would you. Well, unless the entire family tree is adopted, but that's too complicated to make a joke about.

nurchok 15

The customer was a complete douche, but with all due respect to OP, come on, he deserves an award for having a computer with Windows 98 that still functions...

I've used some weapon systems in the military that ran windows 98, worked pretty well.

Depending on what you are doing, 98 was pretty awesome. ME was completely underrated though and has always been my favorite for simple servers.

K410 18

Still better than windows 8 :p

RedPillSucks 31

Is this like "Still a better love story than Twilight" ??

Don't worry, your boss shouldn't fire you over a customer being an ass

aliiballybee 9

Customer wasn't being an ass? He was probably old, and elder people tend not to keep up with technology?!

wingedangel123 8

Being old isn't an excuse for being rude?!

#13 actually he was being an ass. just because you are old and ignorant does not mean you should try to get someone fired over it.

hcollins1 18

13, it's pretty safe to assume the customer is old by OP stating that he still has windows 98 and needing to install a modern game for his grandson. And yes, the customer was being an ass by bitching OP out and wanting the manager to get them fired when they had said that they needed to upgrade his computer to do so. Just because someone is old is no excuse to act like that.

assassinbanana0 20

#13 if he called OP's boss to try to get him fired, I think it's safe to say he's an ass.

RedPillSucks 31

Look at it from the customers view. He 's been using his windows 98 to do everything he needed. Suddenly he tries to get a new game and he's told he has to shell out $150 to $200 for a new operating system. Most probably he was told that he needs a new computer also, so that's maybe $300-$600. Not saying that I agree with what he did, but I remember being really pissed off when my printer/scanner, etc stopped working because I upgraded my operating system. Windows sucks.

I don't know if #13 is asking a question or making a statement....but yes, the customer was old and being an ass!

wingedangel123 8

@37 Then he should look for a different game that his grandson CAN play on windows 98. Just because something doesn't go his way, doesn't mean that he should take it out on the employee.

#37, don't all games list the system and OS requirements anyway? There was no need to try and get poor OP fired over it

RedPillSucks 31

I don't agree that he should try to get OP fired, I'm just saying I can understand why he might have thought he was being scammed/upsold.

You mean you can't run Crysis on Windows 98?...huh...I have some reevaluating to do

You could probably run Call of Battlefield: Generic Warfighter.

I was thinking he get his Grandson one of the old Castlevania games.

Crysis 1 will run on pretty much anything and yes windows 98 all it needs is a 3d graphics card


The game wouldn't have ran on such an old computer anyways. You were destined to lose, either way.

Michael_92 20

Oh Cmon that Pentium 2 would do great at it. Just think, you could overclock it hahaha

MerrikBarbarian 9

Pentium 2? No no if you are going old school over clock a 486. I did that once with an external drive set as the primary hard drive. Ran a game meant for a way newer system on it. That 486 still runs too. Even when I left it in a shed for years it still booted. Compaq 486 were tough little machines. For a laugh I tried running one I still have around last year... It ran perfectly. How many new machines do that?

wingedangel123 8

"Them youngsters and their 'new aged technology'! Don't tell me how to run my computer you whipper-snapper!"

"And whatcha mean I can't get de new pok-ye-mawn on my daughter's etch-a-sketch?"

somehow the customer in question went from being just old, to old and western. yeehaw!

Either way it's his problem not knowing the basics for a computer...and if your boss try's also to get him to understand he'll leave and probably never come back until his faith in humanity is gone...

wannabesinger 16

How is that computer still working? I get mad enough at my dad's laptop that runs XP

I get mad at my computer running Windows 7

i get mad at my computer running on Windows 8

xp is still pretty good. Just vista is horrible. Windows 7 is still better than 8..

Are you kidding me? XP has enough security holes that a 13 year old can hack it. Vista i is pretty good especially after SP1. Windows 7 is awesome.

perdix 29

You are scamming him. He needs a whole new computer, not just an upgrade of his old one. The power supply of a computer from those days was a horse walking around in circles to drive a magneto.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

I probably need to upgrade to a new laptop as well. I got mine in 2008.

Michael_92 20

So what were in them noisy hard drives back then!?

What does Eric have to so with this?

Op said "upgrade" didnt say only upgrade software.

Back in the day when hardrives where on vinyl and the full-adder was steam powered... (Delusional rambles about Portuguese being a better language than C++.)