By engaged - 29/03/2009 14:03 - United States

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend in the food court at the mall. When she said "yes", the entire food court broke out in applause, and my girlfriend and I were escorted out of the mall for "starting a riot". I never knew clapping was a crime. FML
I agree, your life sucks 114 067
You deserved it 24 223

Same thing different taste


Just think about how much worse it could've been. :P

JesusIsPimp69 0

OMG that happened to me and my friends last night as well. A girl at our table texted a kids girlfriend and made a great joke to her so we applauded and got the whole food court to join in the got kicked out and told we could have charges pressed against us. Stupid Rent-A-Cops


wow a mall food court cmmon dude u could have done WAY better than that

pikmini 4

This isn't much of an FML. She said YES. This is a story you'd tell your children and grandchildren. What would make this an FML is if you got arrested for it, and then the girl changed her mind because she doesn't want to marry a guy with a criminal record.

YDI how did you now know that clapping could injure large groups of people? jk but hey it could have been worse. she could have said no. or you could have gotten arrested.

Well at least 50 years from now you'll have an awesome story to tell your grandchildren about the day you proposed.

hahah thats really funny, good story to tell to your children=]

meperson466 0

I don't think the place matters :) If you really love someone then it shouldn't. Congrats!