By Anonymous - 11/06/2016 14:27 - United States

Today, I proposed to my boyfriend. He said yes, but is now sulking because I took away his "manhood". Jeez, sorry I didn't want to wait another 7 years for you to finally do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 979
You deserved it 2 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If all that's required to take away someone's manhood is a proposal, is it really worth having in the first place? Nothing says "I'm secure in my masculinity" like pouting after a woman expresses her desire to spend the rest of her life with you.


My husband and I talked about marriage for years before we got engaged. He told me if I would have proposed he would say no because he's old fashioned and feels the man should be the one to do it. I respected that... I feel if you're going to get married you should have an open line of conversation to what the other person wants...

ollygollymolly 6

I feel like if he wanted to get married he would say yes, not say no just because he wants to do it. How childish!

Fortunately for him I completely disagree with you. It was something he expressed to me early on and luckily we agreed. Now we are happily married and just got back from our honeymoon! So I don't really care if you disagree. You call it childish but at least we have good enough communication to know what the other wants before it becomes an issue

I'm sure he'll come around. at least he knows how much you wanna marry him that you were willing to do something out of what we call normal, that'll be an awesome story to tell your children and grandchildren one day. congratulations!! :)

Wow that's so cool best of luck in your marriage !

Well, it's kind of understandable. How would you feel if you guys were trying to get pregnant and he had a baby?

was that a joke? You do realize that men and women have different reproductive structures (unless transgender people are involved).

Are you really comparing something like proposing, which is based of pure societal standards (men do the proposing) and having a baby, which is based on biological capabilities? Do you see the difference here? The idea that men are supposed to propose is from outdated views that men are the "leaders" of the household, having babies, well only females can do that because it's physically impossible for males to. The societal view of men proposing can change, because it's simply an outlook, females having babies, that cannot change, at least not yet anyway. However, let's assume that males were biologically capable of getting pregnant and having children. As a woman and a female, would I be ok with guys trying to get pregnant and have the baby? Hell ******* yeah I would be ok with it, let the guys have to deal with that shit from now on. Pregnancy and giving birth is painful, symptoms can be difficult, and it can ruin your body. I, and I bet quite a few other women, would be happy to share this with males.

I find very attractive that a woman knows what she wants and if he can't appreciate that......well too bad for him.

I have a friend like that, technically speaking you guys are already common laws if you are living together. Side note: don't wait too long if marriage is your goal, or else you will be waiting for a long long time.

RedCronos 17

Don't forget that you can't look at his dress before the wedding....

Okay I cannot decide which one to vote on because I do not think your life sucks, and I personally would not propose to a man for it to be a "phew, glad it was not me." I mean in seven whole years how did you never discuss this? And if you did, wouldn't you would know what he feels about it?

If his "manhood" is riding on something as simple as that, he's probably self conscious about his manliness and that's a "him" problem.

I think that was very bold of you! by the way he will get over it because what really matters is you two spending the rest of your guys life together in happiness. congratulations!! ☺