By Anonymous - 11/06/2016 14:27 - United States

Today, I proposed to my boyfriend. He said yes, but is now sulking because I took away his "manhood". Jeez, sorry I didn't want to wait another 7 years for you to finally do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 979
You deserved it 2 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If all that's required to take away someone's manhood is a proposal, is it really worth having in the first place? Nothing says "I'm secure in my masculinity" like pouting after a woman expresses her desire to spend the rest of her life with you.


Justinspires 5

He sounds immature. I'm sorry to hear that. But if you two want to have something lasting, he needs to find other ways to define his masculinity.

Well I can kinda see where he's coming from Bc say y'all meet another couple and the wife of the couple winks at him and asks him how did he propose but he shyly looks at you and mumbles she proposed it'd kinda make things awkward

Why would she wink? And why does it matter? Describe the damn proposal. Does it take away the romance if a woman proposes? Does it make her manly? No, so there should be no issue.

Or it could be their fun and unique engagement story.

No of what you said makes sense. Why would the wife of another couple wink at him? Why would it be awkward? Are you saying one person professing their life to another and wanting to spend the rest of his/her life with his/her life makes for an awkward story?

Have y'all not seen that in a movie or sitcom?

Good for you for taking matters into your own hands, regardless of social norms, and not caring what anyone else thought!

That sucks OP :( and hopefully he'll get over it soon.

Why not let him propose too, if he wants to? Why can't all couples just both propose? I finally ended up proposing to my fiance first after he kept procrastinating. He said yes. I started wedding planning. **Two years later** He came up with a much more elaborate proposal, surprised me, and still has a great "masculine" tale to tell everyone. Now we have a date and we're happily getting married. Bam. Everyone's happy.

Two years later? But now that he proposed, a date gets set. Sounds like he didn't really take your proposal seriously.

Eh, I'm not tooting my own horn and saying my relationship is fantastic, although it did work out happily. The point is OP's fiance could easily still propose now. They wouldn't have to wait for a date, either. Either way, he really is being a baby.

Which if it's somehow concerning for everyone (xD), a date was also set at the time, but it and booking the venue was later postponed due to educational complications. That wasn't really relevant to my original point, however. Two years later he proposed, simply because we were still planning and that's when he wanted to. Again, preetty irrelevant.

nitemastr15 17

I think what you did was great. I think there should be an equal number of men and women proposing instead of it always being the guys decision. Congratulations on your engagement and don't worry. He'll get over it.

OMG! YES! l think you did an amazing job! Why should we have to wait for 'him' to be ready?

Tell him to grow some balls before you move on