No Chick-Hating on Easter!

By Anonymous - 01/04/2018 19:00

Today, I proposed to my boyfriend of 13 years. He broke up with me because "Chicks can't propose, that's gay!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 407
You deserved it 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

You dodged a bullet there. I would say FML for wasting 13 years now go find someone who is worth you.


Sorry you wasted 13 years on that asshat. But on the upside... PARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

Well, now you’re free to hook up with your gay best friend, Miles.

*assholes. Also, that title today went to the guy who wipe his ass with Clorox. He was the unanimous winner for King of Assholes today.

Mungolikecandy 19

You dodged a bullet there. I would say FML for wasting 13 years now go find someone who is worth you.

Zekfen 17

Depending what state you live in, if y’all lived together for 7+ years you are married by a common law marriage. Divorce his ass.

YDI because you're no longer dating him, which is definitely a win

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Looks like you dodged a bullet... Also how did you date an infant?

You're better off without that kind of immaturity in your life.

Your ex-boyfriend is a dumbass. It's too bad you spent 13 years of your life with this asshat, but you're better off without him than with a guy who thinks it's okay to use "gay" as a slur to describe something as stupid, who still refers to women as "chicks," and who thinks women proposing is "gay."

What's wrong with calling women chicks? It's like calling a guy a dude.

It's used in a derogatory way more often than not. Being called a dude is neutral.