
By Whoishe? - 02/06/2021 06:00

Today, I realized my husband is a completely different person than when we married. It’s only been three and a half years since we eloped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 835
You deserved it 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jon Tessler 14

time to communicate, NOT post FML's

People change, situations change. Have you changed too? Have you noticed that we have been going through a pandemic? Have you noticed that being cooped up and stressed out has affected a lot of people?


People change, situations change. Have you changed too? Have you noticed that we have been going through a pandemic? Have you noticed that being cooped up and stressed out has affected a lot of people?

Jon Tessler 14

time to communicate, NOT post FML's

ojoRojo 27

Or...both? Venting can be helpful sometimes

ojoRojo 27

I’m sorry OP. Maybe marriage counseling could help you talk to him and get your marriage back on track?