By reb2632 - 29/05/2009 20:13 - United States

Today, I picked up my 4-year-old daughter from day care. As we're driving home, a butterfly lands on the windshield. Just as my daughter comments on how pretty the butterfly is, I turned a corner and accidentally hit the windshield wipers and smeared the pretty butterfly across the windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 070
You deserved it 12 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can just hear a little girl go "Look how pretty the butterfly i--WHATDIDYOUDOOOOO???" FbothyourL because now your daughter probably thinks your a monster.

Lol...I'm still laughing..oh god this is great


hahahaha!!!! i LOLd wen i saw this

one of my favorites, hands down. lmao.

confusdsincbirth 5
hurtandabused 7

Should have told her now it will become a golden one because it was an accident n it knows I'm sorry.

Just tell her you didn't do that, tell her the car malfunction or something to that affect and you are home free.