By TheLostCauseFML - 17/03/2017 18:00 - United States - Hemphill

Today, I went for a walk. That's about as normal as any conversation starter gets, but it started with my boyfriend wanting me to go for walks to help lose weight. Apparently, the Universe thinks I need to lose weight too because I found this during my walk. Thanks, Universe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 493
You deserved it 564

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a medal from one of the Biggest Loser Walks. You should keep it as a souvenir for the start of your journey to becoming healthier! Keep walking, it is good for you. And if you can, maybe try some other healthy changes over time as well (cut out soda except for special occasions, eat more veggies, replace the afternoon pastry with fruit, etc.). Regardless of your weight, these changes should make you healthier :) Good luck!

TheLostCauseFML 40

The fact that your User picture is of an extremely "Deplorable" character, tells me exactly what kind of person you are to be speaking in such a way to a perfect stranger. There's no need for hostility, or is that YOUR countries custom? - It's no wonder you know the word so we'll, you live it daily. Shame on you.


Your boyfriend wants you to lose weight? What? ?

It's a medal from one of the Biggest Loser Walks. You should keep it as a souvenir for the start of your journey to becoming healthier! Keep walking, it is good for you. And if you can, maybe try some other healthy changes over time as well (cut out soda except for special occasions, eat more veggies, replace the afternoon pastry with fruit, etc.). Regardless of your weight, these changes should make you healthier :) Good luck!

TheLostCauseFML 40

Thank you kindly! I'm glad at least someone is able to understand. I'm not really sure how it can be so confusing unless someone has never at least heard of the show, and if they haven't, such things can be researched! Lol. I carry the medal with me on each walk! I took it as a sign that I'm moving in the right direction.

You found what? Please go back to your post and try make some sense. I have seen people from a remote village in Peru, who can't speak English, explain things better! I guess the quality of schools in the US are just deplorable!

Santa Cause 10

Just figured out what the hell the OP was talking about. Apparantly they found a biggest loser pin. The pic posted above the comment. Confusing ass post.

TheLostCauseFML 40

The fact that your User picture is of an extremely "Deplorable" character, tells me exactly what kind of person you are to be speaking in such a way to a perfect stranger. There's no need for hostility, or is that YOUR countries custom? - It's no wonder you know the word so we'll, you live it daily. Shame on you.

Please update your version of the app. You'll be able to see the picture :)

TheLostCauseFML 40

First off, let me start by saying that my boyfriend has absolutely no problem whatsoever​ with my weight. And for those who've never seen the show "The Biggest Looser" it is all about weight loss and who can keep going or do the best. And the picture is a medal from the show that I found randomly along my dirt road. To disclose the full story, my boyfriend has asked me to move with him to Alaska, around this time next year. I was wanting to get into shape so that I could have a better chance of survival in the Alaskan wilds, since we will be 40 miles from civilization, and living off of the land, dependant upon ourselves and each other. I agreed to go, but again, I brought up wanting to lose some weight. He suggested going for walks and strength training to help me out. As well as learning survival skills.- Not being able to explain the full story in the allotted characters, I did the best I could. I had assumed the picture was explanation enough, though I see that I was clearly wrong. I hope this clarifies things.

Jacobus_G 3

a lot of us cannot see the picture

Please update your version of the app.

Manual_Manoosy 21

I would listen to the Universe if I were you.