Thanks for being so compassionate

By Anonymous - 17/01/2021 01:59 - Jamaica - Kingston

Today, and for the past year, I've been struggling with depression because of family life. I've been talking to my mom for the past weeks, telling her things that happen when she isn't home as a way to build trust. I finally told her I have depression and have had had it for a long time. She laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 017
You deserved it 73

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats a ****** up way for her to react no matter what the relationship. does she laugh when she's nervous? maybe she didn't know how to respond

Proud of you. Sometimes family isn't equipped to handle things like this. Keep seeking help for your mental health, it is so important


thats a ****** up way for her to react no matter what the relationship. does she laugh when she's nervous? maybe she didn't know how to respond

Proud of you. Sometimes family isn't equipped to handle things like this. Keep seeking help for your mental health, it is so important