By Anonymous - 12/02/2016 19:21 - United States - Boise

Today, I now know what it feels like to violently sneeze while a nurse still has a needle in your arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 089
You deserved it 1 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Could be worse. She could have been putting in a catheter.

Reading this made me hurt, i hope you're okay!!


Oh no, OP I'm so sorry for you! I'm terrified of needles! I hope you're getting better!

Ja, Dr. Mengele knows what you're talking about.

I read this as "violently sieze" so while I'm really sorry you experienced that pain, I'm also glad you didn't have a seizure.

This hurts me just reading this. I hope you are alright OP. And may no ever have to suffer the same fate

At least this wasn't during a rectal exam or a colonoscopy. I sure hope your ok! This sounds horrid.