By Ya - 10/05/2009 14:18 - United States

Today, I missed my flight because I was stopped by airport security. They found "small, suspicious, spherical objects" in my purse on the X-ray. After pulling me out of line, taking my purse aside and carefully opening it with tongs, they removed the bag of grapes I had packed as a snack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 267
You deserved it 11 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_witha_cape 0

yeah, if you bite into those things they could squirt someone's eye out

Jcsati8 0

If you pack baby carrots, will they think you are carrying ammo? Damn airport security!


So your saying FYL because you got searched and they found grapes you were going to eat? Wow harden the **** up.

dude her first words were "today i missed my flight, because..." how could u not see that? lol dumbass.

Is anyone else wondering how grapes showed up on an X-Ray?

harrypotterfan12 0

wow, security really is getting tighter. my mom was coming back from a trip to the bahamas, and they made her throw away a 30$ bottle of LOTION. i mean, really, would she want to waste making a bomb with thirty bucks?

they did the same to me. shaving cream, razors, ect.... its really annoying how much security there is with very little risk of anything happening.

l3allin_all_day 0

now terrorist no not to use grapes

kandina 0

Ha, so I'm not the only one that thought anal beads...

Hisbabyforever 0

Something bery similar happened to me when I went through security. After the x-ray, they said they'd have to search my purse. I had nothing to hide so I let them hand check it. He was looking for about a minute or 2 before he found whatever he was looking for. The extremely and potentialy "dangerous" item in my purse was a roll of quarters. haha

kayPandastyle 15

Unless it was a local flight, you're one retarded person. Just saying.