By tampondealer - 09/11/2009 18:42 - Canada

Today, after visiting my mom, she stuffed a bunch of pads in my backpack so I'd have some at my dorm. When I was going through security, I was stopped and ended up missing my flight. Apparently the jumbo pads my mom sent look exactly like packs of cocaine when they go through the X-ray machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 134
You deserved it 2 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell does everyone care so much about womens' personal hygiene? Everyone cares about who shaves what, and now it's "gross" to use a ******* pad? Back the **** off.

I'd say you should have used tampons, but TSA would probably mistake those for syringes.


Unless it was a connecting flight, you have no excuse for not arriving early enough to give yourself plenty of time to get through TSA. (if it was, then yeah FYL)

I don't think they have the TSA in Canada =) But I'd have to agree - how long does it take to take the pads out and realize they aren't drugs?

Uh, yeah. We do have TSAs in Canada. They're called Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, or CATSA.

I agree with #3, this is your fault for not giving yourself enough time. YDI.

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

Well if they seriously thought it was drugs then they could have kept her held up for hours, making her miss her flight even if she had arrived early

Flutist 3

You take it out, you look at it, you go, "OMG pads!" You let her go. Sometimes authority people are retarded.

Well they might be worried she tried to smuggle the drugs inside like powder her pads and use them as an excuse to get away with it, some people are crazy, you never know... I got held up at airports for hideous things... I bought a horror dvd box set once and the cover was a cardboard flap which had like a pouch inside it filled with liquid, its just on the cover so when you touch the liquid moves around, it was clearly a newly bought dvd and the original cover but they had to rip the cover off in case I placed funny stuff inside for transport :| It was also meant to be a gift...

haha that sounds like ichi the killers dvd case! :)

starberries 0

If it was a connecting flight, she wouldn't have been going through security.

#3 & #27 she deserves it for not preparing for something she had no idea was going to happen? seems legit

LeeIsAwesome 0

That must have been awkward. FYL.

Mx_Rider 6

this happened to a friend of mine going on a cruise haha sowwy op :

I'd say you should have used tampons, but TSA would probably mistake those for syringes.

clockworkrainbow 3

You'd think they'd just take them out of your bag, inspect them, and say 'These are just jumbo pads, eh.'... That's what I'd do... FYL.

YDI for using pads. How can chicks possibly use such a disgusting form of personal hygeine? I know damn well I don't want wanna be sitting in a formation of fresh and dried blood between my legs. Nasty!

I already figured out you would just let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be speaking words of wisdom, let it be :D

Well you're supposed to change them often so that you AREN'T sitting in a pool of your own blood. I also don't understand how it's any more disgusting than tampons just because they sit inside the body. Besides, tampons are uncomfortable and make my cramps worse.

potatopeeler 0

@18: The blood is going to be inside you whether or not you use a tampon. And unless you have a super light flow, no matter how often you change pads, you're going to have blood rubbing against your legs and vulva. And don't forget about the clots.

Sometimes it's too light to get a tampon in. Sometimes people sleep for longer than 8 hours and don't want to get an infection. Sometimes tampons can cause cramps, or hurt. Or maybe since you obviously don't have a period, you just don't get it.

hornetchik 0

I dunno if you should really wear tampons at night! I know I don't feel comfortable doing that anyway! Tampons are handy, but I don't see how they are any more hygienic than pads. You just gotta change your pad regularly. Easy.

pinkkloverr 0

obviously you're a guy... just so you know, there are millions of reasons why are girl would choose a pad over a tampon. and sometimes they use both. and i won't go into details or give examples of this situation. people really need stop complaining over a girl's preference/choice of her monthly personal hygiene products. jeez! its just one of those things that people DON'T need to worry about and should mind their own business.

anyone saying tampons are better than pads needs to grow up. it's a choice every woman has to make for herself. it's just a matter of personal taste.

@ #29 Blood rubbing against your legs and vulva? Thats not supposed to happen. Also, all girls lose during a period is about half an eggcup of blood. Tiny amount really, considering this is over 2 days - a week.

Kttttt 0

Im sure I lose a hell of alot more then that.

Pads are like diapers and tampons are like shoving a corncob up there. Now pick? Great choices I know.