By Ya - 10/05/2009 14:18 - United States

Today, I missed my flight because I was stopped by airport security. They found "small, suspicious, spherical objects" in my purse on the X-ray. After pulling me out of line, taking my purse aside and carefully opening it with tongs, they removed the bag of grapes I had packed as a snack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 267
You deserved it 11 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_witha_cape 0

yeah, if you bite into those things they could squirt someone's eye out

Jcsati8 0

If you pack baby carrots, will they think you are carrying ammo? Damn airport security!


GiannaxRevenge 0

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wow, another reason why I HATE authorities. Assholes.

Jack_4194 1

They were just doing their job. How early did you arrive to the airport anyways?

Hahahahahaha this totally describes the intelligence of TSA officers in a nutshell. #150: You can bring food on your carry-on. You're an idiot.

squeaksx24 0

LMFAO. Epic fail on their part. Sucks that you had to be stopped though.

To those saying food is allowed: Possibly it is allowed, but I have been stopped for it as well. I had a small single serving bag of crackers in my carry on and security made me throw it out. I also have friends who have had similar experiences, including my friend who has diabetes. She had to buy a chocolate bar to keep her sugar up on the plane, instead of the fruit-granola bars she had packed with her.

sunshyne84_fml 0

lol@12 um it doesnt take long to clear bags at the checkpoints so u were probably gonna miss your flight anyway

GlumpyWonderCat 0

Probably just not used to people in America eating fruit as a snack.

WTF #14 I always bring food they let u. They are just paranoid bastards