By Stuck - 15/07/2009 04:01 - United States

Today, I was going to break up with my boyfriend after we went out for dinner. To my surprise, our families were also in the restaurant, to witness him propose to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 831
You deserved it 14 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw. I feel bad for him. I really don't know how two people in a relationship can be on such different pages. Couldn't you at least have hinted about breaking up?

rayrayy_fml 0

That's awkward. :/ Did you reject him? & #3, maybe they were on the same page. Maybe they both felt it was time for a change. She felt the solution was something new, and he felt it was taking the relationship to the next level, who knows.


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If you actually said yes, you're an idiot. then: FHL for marrying you. If you said no, FHL for being dumped in front of his and your family.

dont marry him! it will never work out! people break other peoples hearts every day they will all get over it, and while yes him and his family know you are probably the best he'd ever do, but you know if its not right its not right.... but if you did say yes it sucks that your a "p" word and cant stand up and say no.... good luck --

cucuto89 0

yea dude, i agree YDI it for waiting until after your date to break up with him, thats just plain mean

#1 nailed it. Why the **** would you plan to break up with him after a night out? You're a cold bitch and you still tried to squeeze some out of him. **** YOU

americayay 0

Um, 1, it doesn't say that she DID break up with him in front of everyone, or that it was supposed to be insanely public. It does look bad that she wanted dinner first, though. This sucks for OP. I have NO IDEA what I would do in this situation.

#1 is absolutely right. Honestly, if you want to go to dinner so badly, break up with him before hand, and offer to go to dinner as friends to talk it through.

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend at dinner, and, in front of out families, she broke up with me. FML

Ha ha that guy was right. I think I've found your ex: #4405336

haha yea have him pay for your meal and then you break up with him.... wow

actually, we're not the low lives. you are, for getting first comment. and what made it worse, is that u celebrated because of it. wow.

I really dont like it when people comment on the first comment just to get their comment to the top...

Aw. I feel bad for him. I really don't know how two people in a relationship can be on such different pages. Couldn't you at least have hinted about breaking up?

rayrayy_fml 0

That's awkward. :/ Did you reject him? & #3, maybe they were on the same page. Maybe they both felt it was time for a change. She felt the solution was something new, and he felt it was taking the relationship to the next level, who knows.

I agree, it sounds to me like they both thought things should change. It's disturbing as all hell, but I've heard of guys proposing to the girl to cheer her up or make the relationship feel better.

insanelyXnikki 18

I hate when relationships get to that point. Nobody knows what to do by then and any attempt to make it better usually just makes it worse.

Harsh, but I hope you said no to save you both further heartache and trouble

Urbanchiller 0

OP wanted that free meal before dumping poor guy then Shit happened!

22cute 17

I hope you said, "no" in private later to save him embarrassment.

Seti_fml 0

I can't really think of a good way that could have ended... I hope you didn't say yes out of pity for the situation though

jflem14 0

next time break up with him before dinner.. i know i wouldn't want to waste money on a bitch who didnt; deserve it...

22cute 17

What a cheap money grubbing bastard. You don't know who paid for the meal, jerk.

Tika876 18
islaphippos 0

why do people always wait with breakups? you only get ****** up. Yes, you deserved it for prolonging it. And your life is ****** right now.