Where's my coffee?

By dinkley7 - 20/05/2021 11:00

Today, so far, I’ve been called the c-word, a bitch, and a douche. All by the same person, all because I wouldn't make them coffee at 1 in the morning. We don’t serve coffee until 6 a.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 959
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sanction that person by never ever serving them coffee

could be a 24-hour fast food restaurant?


Sanction that person by never ever serving them coffee

What kind of weird venue is serving at 1AM, but not coffee? Is it because the kitchen is closed, and you only are serving from the bar? Maybe a canned coffee?

oGxFoopFoop 15

It could be a gas station, though the wording in the FML suggests it’s a venue

could be a 24-hour fast food restaurant?

Whaaaaaaat who doesn't deserve coffee all the time? Lol